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Who we are.

At Mavericks Athletics, we strive to stand out amongst other programs. Our goal is to coach Character-building through the competition of sports. We firmly believe there is more to life than sports and winning so we run our program accordingly. Carpinteria/Santa Barbara is filled with talented children. We have created Mavericks to be a place where these children will interact with positive influences, compete in a safe environment, and get to know role models who desire to bring the best out of them. 


We are an extremely competitive program and do not shy away from hard work and physical challenges. That’s why we staff our teams with high level coaches with college athletics experience, who will grow to know our players deeply, personally, and, ultimately, believe in who they are as people, as well as athletes. 


Mavericks Basketball competes with top teams throughout the state, but the difference between us and them is our foundation. We are founded on Character. By the end of the season, all of our players understand that the testing of our faith produces perseverance, perseverance builds character, and character brings hope!


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